Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Area Woman Found Dead; Last Nerve Worked.....

Lafayette, LA-Police discovered 48-year-old mother of 5 Rhonda Lewis dead in her home today and preliminary autopsy results have revealed a severely worked last nerve.

"This isn't final, but after a thorough and exhaustive examination of the deceased, the only abnormality I found was a total absence of good nerves," Lafayette Parish Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Frank Cataldie explained. "The most intact nerve, which was very likely her last good one, was worked pretty hard. It has to be what killed this woman."

This would not be the first death blamed on an overworked last good nerve and University of Louisiana at Lafayette neuroanatomist Steve Harkey should know. He's been studying this phenomenon for the past 15 years. "Usually these events can be traced back to misbehaving children, with a full quarter of them directly resulting from sassmouth. The rest are divided up between not mindin', actin' a fool, and botherin' your sister."


  1. OMG...lol....I just 3 days ago told my grandaughter "Little girl, you are getting on my last nerve" (I dont think I had ever said that before), She looked at me horrified, and said "where did all your other nerves go?"

  2. I hope that she learned just how serious a situation like this can be. It is estimated that several Americans per year might possibly have died from conditions perhaps related to working of a person's last nerve maybe.
