Friday, June 20, 2008

New Study Reveals Health Benefits of Indoor Tanning.....

Malibu, CA-A study released today by the Darque Tan Physician's Institute for Ethical Progress shows that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from non-natural sources, such as the Darque Tan Mach 3 TANtalizer Indoor Tanning System with 32 high-pressure lamps and the X-Treme Tan Tec Filter Technology, encourages vitamin D production and decreases the risk of certain cancers.

“Our indoor tanning scienticians have discovered that UVB from indoor tanning converts cholesterol into vitamin D,” Medical doctor, Assistant Manager of Darque Tan Malibu, and Physician's Institute for Ethical Progress lead researcher Mort Fishman explains. "Now getting the vitamin D you need to survive is as easy as driving to a conveniently located Darque Tan."

The study reveals how only 5 minutes of indoor tanning is able to produce 4,000 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D, which is far more than the daily 400 IU recommeded for most people. But Fishman is concerned that recommendations based on this data may be premature. "The last thing we want is for people to think that only 5 minutes of indoor tanning is sufficient to stave off Vitamin D Collapse Syndrome. In our opinion, the safest course to take until more data is available is to visit your local Darque Tan as frequently as possible in order to build up body stores of Vitamin D."

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