Monday, October 27, 2014

Area Dog has Adorable Seizure Disorder.....

Lafayette, LA- When 2-year-old Havanese Paw Paw Le Chien began having complex partial seizures related to a brain tumor in September, the last thing his owner expected was to become an overnight internet sensation.

An extremely complicated graph, shown here just moments before proving that stupid people aren't smart enough to understand it
"The seizures didn't happen very often at first so the veterinarian asked me to try to record the next one," Le Chien's owner Carlene Rasmussen explained. "When I watched the video and saw just how crazy adorable it was, I had to put it online. The next thing I know it's gone viral, we've got a million hits and Ellen is calling to see if we'll come on the show."

The seizures, which have increased in frequency over the past two months, have left the purebred canine severely cognitively impaired and barely able to move more than a few feet without assistance. And according to Rasmussen, he receives his feeds via a tube inserted directly into his stomach. "If it weren't for the book deal and the reality show we're filming for E!, I would probably have just gotten a new dog."

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