Monday, September 11, 2023

Actor in 30-Year-Old Movie has Aged an Equivalent Amount.....

Hollywood, CA - Johnny Beers, star of the cult classic 1993 film Road Town, is now 30 years older than when he first portrayed the iconic anti-hero Dark McMarten and fans of the actor can't believe it.

Actor Johnny Beers, shown here filming a scene for Road Town 4: Afraid of the Dark and 30 years older than he was 30 years ago

"My mind is blown," Johnny Beers fan Yasmeen Hutch explained. "If you had told me 30 years ago that this was going to happen, I would have said no fucking way is he going to be that much older in that amount of time. Seriously, I would have spat right in your face and said that."

Physicist Jan Jergens, who has seen the original Dark McMarten trilogy eleven times, is an expert in the phenomenon of aging in celebrities. According to Jergens, there is a simple scientific explanation for what fans of the actor and his most popular film are experiencing. "For every year that has passed since 1993, Beers has aged an equivalent amount, but the really weird thing is that so have I. So have all of us."

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