Saturday, January 6, 2024

President Biden Crowns Himself Emperor for Life on 3rd Anniversary of January 6th Insurrection.....

Washington, D.C. - Joe Biden, the 81-year-old former United States Senator and current President of the United States from Scranton, Pennsylvania, seized ultimate authority over the country today by declaring himself "emperor for life".

Emperor Joe Biden, shown here describing in graphic detail what happens to anyone who gets in his way

"Of all days to do this," former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi explained. "Not that any day would be a good day to declare yourself supreme leader of America, and to tear up the Constitution during a live address in front of both houses of Congress, but on a Saturday?"

Biden's brazen power grab is raising a number of questions as elected government officials and career federal employees have begun taking voluntary oaths of loyalty in order to avoid being transferred to one of several large "re-education centers" being established in Alaska. According to Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, Biden's move to ignore the well-established precedent of democracy in the United States is worrisome. "It looks like my colleagues from across the aisle got this one right, which makes me wonder what other "conspiracy theories" are actually true. Was the election stolen? Are we being replaced by immigrants? I've got some serious thinking to do, or at least I would if that was allowed by Emperor Biden."

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