Monday, March 11, 2024

Is Anal Candling Right for You?.....

Sedona, AZ - More holistic health experts are touting the practice of anal candling, an ancient and popular treatment for constipation and other gut-related health concerns.

A child, shown here with an anal candle being improperly used in the ear by an unqualified provider and just prior to his painful death as a result of what experts refer to as "a brain geyser"

"Thermo-Rectal therapy with candles dates back to the times of the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks," Dr. Robert Bibby, medical director at Aspen of Hollywood Celebrity Holistic Health Clinic in Sedona and certified anal candling provider, explained. "Some research even suggests that the first anal candlers were the Native American Hopi Indian tribe of North Arizona, who relied on the them for health of the distal colon and to promote emotional and spiritual well-being."  

Anal candles are traditionally made by rolling unbleached muslin cloth into a hollow cone and then coating it with wax, similar to how an ear candle is made, though they are typically much more powerful. The pointed end of the candle is gently inserted a few inches past the anus and the other end is lit. Proponents of the therapy claim that anal candles are more comfortable and less expensive than conventional enemas in which a liquid is forced into the rectum.

As with ear candles, the proposed mechanism behind the benefit of the anal version is the creation of a vacuum. According to Bibby, smoke from the burning candle travels into the rectum that warms and softens fecal matter. "The suction and vibration from the flame dislodge the warm stool and other foreign debris and pulls it into the anal candle, which many patients report as being a rather pleasant sensation. Some come back weekly to stay ahead of the constipation."

Another proposed benefit from anal candling is an improvement in overall gut health. This is believed to come from the heat entering the rectum, which increases blood flow both to and from the surrounding tissue. Improved circulation helps to remove excess toxin build up and restore important digestive function to the distal colon. Bibby believes that regular anal candling can improve lymphatic flow throughout the body, balance emotions, and help manage even severe and chronic foggy bottom. 

Anal candling is a procedure that requires trust between both a patient and a provider. Bibby stressed the importance of finding a fully certified practitioner. "If somebody thinks that they can just shove an ear candle up your ass, you might want to look elsewhere. They just don't create the kind of suction force that you need. Ask them about their wax options and if they use non-GMO cotton. What scents are available? Are they certified organic essential oils? Are the matches used to light the candle made by a loving hand using blessed poplar wood or mass produced in some factory? These things really matter."

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