Wednesday, November 26, 2014

New Study Links Threatened Violence to Increased Willingness to Communicate.....

Newark, NJ- New research published this month in the Journal of Legitimate Businessmen confirms the long held belief that threatened physical violence increases the willingness to communicate.

"It's important when performing legal business endeavors to know ways in which one might procure valuable business type information more efficiently," Lou "Roastbeef" Saltaggio, head of a popular Newark men's social club and lead author of the paper, explained. "Like if one of my associates just happened to forget where he had stashed my money. I mean files."

The results of the study have been criticized by experts, however. Jam Calloway, a cognitive behavioral psychologist at the Rutgers University regional campus in Newark, warns not to jump to conclusions based on any one study, particularly one that is contradicted by decades of prior research. "Wait, Roastbeef Saltaggio wrote this? It's a solid study and I have no issue with it or any of the involved parties."

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