Monday, October 24, 2022

New Musical to be Based on That Movie You Remember.....

New York City, NY - It's official! That movie you remember from your childhood is being made into a Broadway musical! 
Actor Jeremy Piven, shown here pointing at Lloyd Dobler in a scene from Say Anything and saying his memorable line, "I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?" 

"Remember the parts from the movie that you sometimes reference?" cultural literacist Boof Bueller explained. "Well...they're heeeere! And by here, I mean that they are in the musical. Nobody puts those classic scenes in a corner, am I right?"

In addition to the parts of the movie you remember, the musical version will also include a number of characters, lines, and locations that don't seem right according to memory expert and psychiatrist to the stars, Mort "Hollywood" Fishman MD. "You are definitely going to question whether or not some of it was actually in the movie, but like Jeremy Piven in Say Anything or Jeremy Piven in Singles, it was. It absolutely was."

One of the most challenging things when it comes to taking a beloved intellectual property from the past and reintroducing it to a new audience is that kids these days don't even know what a good movie is anymore. Your favorite movies are classics and still hold up today. But experts in cultural literacy like Bueller are warning that there may be some changes or additions to the story that could make you a bit uncomfortable. "They won't change the heart of the story, the important plot points, or any of the famous lines, but they are definitely going to take out that scene where the main character secretly watches that girl take her clothes off."

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