Friday, December 30, 2022

BitBabies!™: the Hottest New Trend in Toys for Toddlers.....

San Francisco, CA - According to experts in entertainment and technology trends, a hot new collectible toy has young children everywhere begging their parents to "Invest In 'Em All!" during the post-holiday sales season.

A disillusioned toddler, shown here questioning his parents' love while clinging to an outdated analog stuffed animal

"There is simply nothing hotter than BitBabies!™ right now," BitBabies!™ CEO Tim Berpshade explained. "These unique and non-interchangeable tokens are stored on a secure digital ledger, and the tiny digital animal babies that they signal ownership of are absolutely adorable! When you tell a child about blockchain technology and show them an image of their new furry friend, their eyes just light right up."

Traditional analog collectibles and toys have entertained children for thousands of years, but they do have some significant downsides. Without extreme care or placement in specialized storage containers, action figures and stuffed animals wear down over time. These items also tend to be mass produced copies that every kid on the block can easily get their hands on. With rare exception, the value of children's toys go down over time.

Each and every BitBabies!™ collectible toy is a 100% unique digital asset that just happens to be loved by kids around the world. As they grow older, however, a child may lose interest in playing with toys. But instead of being tossed out in the trash or donated to a homeless shelter, these tokens are sure to increase in value over time. Think of them as an investment in your child and their future financial well-being.

Getting your hands on these exciting collectibles couldn't be easier. According to Berpshade, parents simply need to purchase Ethereum on a crypto exchange, transfer their crypto to a crypto wallet, connect that wallet to an NFT marketplace and, once connected, access the BitBabies!™ collection. "There are literally millions of these cute critters to choose from, each with a slight variation that makes it absolutely unique, so I'm confident that one of these furry friends will be perfect for every child. But unfortunately some parents are stuck in the past and don't love their children enough to invest in their future."

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