Thursday, July 27, 2023

Vinay Prasad Announces Plans for Children's Book About COVID-19 Pandemic.....

San Francisco, CA - Dr. Vinay Prasad, a world renowned physician and internet user at the University of California San Francisco, has announced that his next project will be a children's book focused on the government's catastrophic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author and lil' rascal Vinay Prasad, shown here up to no good as usual, will also be teaming up with ZDoggMD for a live puppet show depicting a healthy teenage boy suffering from vaccine-related myocarditis

"Our response represents a total failure in our duty to think of the children," Prasad explained in an X on X that I was blocked from viewing seconds after completing this interview. "Children are, in no uncertain terms, our future. They deserve to be taught well, but also, and this is based on several randomized controlled trials, they should be allowed to lead the way, perhaps only eased by a sense of pride given to them by us, the adults."

Prasad's upcoming book, titled Cora's Coronavirus Conniption, will take the reader on an educational journey of discovery through the eyes of 5-year-old Cora, who is experiencing the early months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in California. Robert Kennedy Jr., in a leaked foreword to Prasad's book, describes a harrowing tale of hardship and ultimate redemption. "By pushing back against the masks, the quarantines, and the vaccines forced on her friends and family by government leaders, society, and our Big Pharma overlords, this child demonstrates more bravery than seen in millions of adults in this country."

In anticipation of the popularity of the book, a follow-up to Cora's Coronavirus Conniption is already in the works with RFK Jr. planning to collaborate. According to Prasad, the sequel will find Cora in her teens and living in a Faucian dystopia. "In a valiant struggle to change the past, and fix the future, Cora goes back in time to seek advice from Anne Frank in the days leading up to her arrest by German authorities. Anne is shocked by what she learns and the two become fast friends as they devise a plan to prevent the developmental delays now seen in millions of masked children."

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