Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Chiropractors Look to Expand Role as Pediatric Safety Experts.....

Media, PA - The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) has announced plans to redefine and expand the role of chiropractors as pediatric safety experts in 2023.

This small child would be alive today if his family had followed the recommendations found on the ICPA Safe Spines, Minds, and Little Behinds® pamphlet, which cautions parents to avoid letting their child drink from the toilet

"We couldn't be more proud of the work put into this initiative," ICPA Executive Director Justin Ohm explained. "With our campaign, you will see pediatric chiropractors all over the world focusing on education and outreach that will protect children, help their caregivers sleep easier at night, and fill in the gaps ignored by pediatricians and family physicians when it comes to safety."

The ICPA Safe Spines, Minds and Little Behinds® campaign will consist of pamphlets, books, talk radio and morning show appearances, and even an animated special set to air on PBS Late Nite Jr., all featuring Spiney, the Safety Hedgehog. Spiney will take children, and their parents, on a magical journey that teaches general safety tips developed by a team of highly trained chiropractic experts with several weekends of experience learning about pediatric health. According to Ohm, this effort will put pediatric chiropractors at the forefront of child safety where they belong. "Spiny is going to go down as one of the greatest public service mascots of all time, right up there with Smokey the Bear, McGruff the Crime Dog, and Cosmo Condom the Intergalactic Prophylactic."

A young child, shown here checking the sky for falling Chinese satellite parts after participating in a Safe Spines, Minds, and Little Behinds® pilot program at the Lil' Stinkers Daycare Center near the ICPA headquarters

The ICPA will be handing out the new child safety pamphlets in chiropractic clinics, gym entrances, grocery store parking lots, and community health fairs held on Saturday mornings in a local high school gym. In addition to warnings about unsafe toilet water consumption, the pamphlet will also include recommendations to check children's shoes for spiders, ensure proper eye protection during internet use, and many more. The Safe Spines, Minds, and Little Behinds® campaign kicks off on January 1st.

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